We are very pleased to be involved in this session at the 2021 ECER (European Conference for Educational Research) on Thursday September 9th.
The session is titled Data(fication) in Schools: Perspectives, Practices, and Research Approaches (06 SES 14), and features papers from a ‘who’s-who’ of European researchers currently addressing issues of datafication and schools.
Neil Selwyn will be representing the DSS project to add an Australian perspective to what promises to be a really interesting 90 minutes.
[line up: Ulrike Krein Maike Altenrath Noëlle Diegel Adrian Roeske Doreen Büntemeyer Michael Becker Sigrid Hartong Neil Selwyn Paul Weinrebe Sandra Hofhues Andreas Breiter Philipp Krieter Anna Hartenstein Mandy Schiefner-Rohs]