Publications & outputs


Pangrazio, L., Cumbo, B. and Selwyn, N.  (2022). A patchwork of platforms: mapping digital infrastructure in schoolsLearning Media & Technology

Cumbo, B. and Selwyn, N.   (2022).  Revitalising ‘Participatory Design’ approaches in educational research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 

Selwyn, N., Pangrazio, L. and Cumbo, B.  (2021)    Knowing the (datafied) student: the production of the student subject through school dataBritish Journal of Educational Studies

Selwyn, N.  (2022).   ‘There is a danger we get too robotic’: an investigation of institutional data logics within secondary schoolsEducational Review

Selwyn, N.   (2022).   ‘Just playing around with Excel and pivot tables’ – the realities of data-driven schoolingResearch Papers in Education. 37(1):95-114

Selwyn, N.,  Pangrazio, L. and Cumbo, B.  (2021).   Attending to data: exploring the use of attendance data within the datafied school.  Research in Education, 109(1):72-89

Selwyn, N.  (2021).   The human labour of school data: exploring the production of digital data in schoolsOxford Review of Education, 47(3):353-368



Selwyn, N., Cumbo, B. and Pangrazio, L.  (2022).  Data classes: an investigation of the people that ‘do data’ in schools.  in Pangrazio, L. and Sefton-Green, J. (eds) Learning to live with datafication: educational case studies and initiatives from around the world. Routledge DOI: 10.4324/9781003136842-4



Pangrazio, L.  (2021)  “We don’t really have a way to tell if our school is keeping our privacy safe”: Students as data subjects. paper presented to AARE (Australian Association for Research in Education) annual conference, Melbourne (December)

Krein, U.,  Altenrath, M.,  Diegel, N.,  Roeske, A.,  Büntemeyer, D.,  Becker, M.,  Hartong, S.,  Selwyn, N.,  Weinrebe, P.,  Hofhues, S.,  Breiter, A.,  Krieter, P.,  Hartenstein, A. and  Schiefner-Rohs, M. (2021) Data(fication) in Schools: Perspectives, Practices & Research Approaches. symposium session at ECER (European Conference for Educational Research)  Geneva (September)

Pangrazio, L. (2021). Platformisation in Australian schools. paper presented at the Learning Across Platforms seminar. Oslo (April)

Selwyn, N.  and  Pangrazio, L.  (2020).   The surprising non-appearance of the datafied school?  paper presented to Why Do We Need To Talk About Data (in education)? symposium, Sheffield (November)

Selwyn, N.  and  Pangrazio, L.  (2019).   Tracing the mundane in/securities of the datafied school.  paper presented to Data Power biannual conference, Bremen (September)