enhancing the use of digital data in secondary schools

DSS at ECER 2021

We are very pleased to be involved in this session at the 2021 ECER (European Conference for Educational Research) on Thursday September 9th.

The session is titled Data(fication) in Schools: Perspectives, Practices, and Research Approaches (06 SES 14), and features papers from a ‘who’s-who’ of European researchers currently addressing issues of datafication and schools.

Neil Selwyn will be representing the DSS project to add an Australian perspective to what promises to be a really interesting 90 minutes.

[line up: Ulrike Krein  Maike Altenrath  Noëlle Diegel  Adrian Roeske  Doreen Büntemeyer  Michael Becker  Sigrid Hartong  Neil Selwyn  Paul Weinrebe  Sandra Hofhues  Andreas Breiter  Philipp Krieter  Anna Hartenstein  Mandy Schiefner-Rohs]